Instead of very use

One moment
  • Hideous
    The abandoned house looked truly hideous.
  • Grotesque
    The monster in the movie was truly grotesque.
  • Revolting
    The sight of the spoiled food was revolting.
  • Repulsive
    The smell coming from the dumpster was repulsive.
  • Repugnant
    The taste of the dish was repugnant.
  • Dreadful
    The noise coming from the broken machinery was dreadful.
  • Unsightly
    The graffiti on the wall made the neighborhood unsightly.
  • Deplorable
    The condition of the old building was deplorable.
  • Hidebound
    The traditional design was considered hidebound by the critics.
  • Unattractive
    The old car was unattractive.